Is My Coaching the Right Fit for You?

I pour into clients. I want to know more than how much they can lift, what they eat in a day, activities they love. I take your whole life into consideration! We address sleep quality, stress levels, vitamin deficits and anything else that might stand between you and the best possible experience of your body. It’s transformative work that I feel honored to be let into. 

If you are invested in addressing more than sets and reps in the interest of experiencing more energy, more strength, more vibrancy, I’m here for it! Nothing gets me more excited than getting to take that journey with a new client, and to have a front row seat as their relationship to all of their goals and life takes a totally new shape. 

And while those outcomes might sound universally appealing– there are people for whom I am NOT a good fit. Here are the kinds of people who may not benefit from my training.

People who are overly pessimistic

I fully empathize with the amount of false promises and disappointment the fitness industry often leads to some lack of trust in the process. But if this is a space you feel like you aren’t willing to consider opening up from, I might be the wrong coach for you.

People who don’t want accountability

I deliver my work with grace and care with significant consideration of my client’s input and what’s sustainable for them. And part of that is holding them accountable to what they decide to do. If you want to be handed a plan and left alone to do it or not, I’m not the coach for you.

People looking for quick fixes

I love things to be easy too! And if there was a less “put the reps in” possibility here I would employ it. But any goal someone might have; increased strength, weight loss, increased healthspan, more energy… all require more commitment than a week or a pill provides. If you can give me 3-6 months, I can show you what your reps can do!

People unwilling to try new things (or things they’ve tried before in a new way)

Everyone has a list of things they’re sure “don’t work” for them. And it’s always worth revisiting that. Our bodies are always changing and so does how things impact us. I love working with people who are up for the experiment and provide feedback as we go. 

Are you up for taking a longview on your goals?

Focusing on sustainable actions that stick over the long haul? Willing to try new things and get some loving accountability to stay on track so you actually reach that goal and stick to it?

If that’s the kind of coaching you’re looking for– I would love to collaborate with you on your goals. Click the link below to fill out an application for 1:1 coaching today. I have space open in my roster and would love to hear from you!

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