The Indirect Impact of Microdosing on Weight Loss

Microdosing has been a hot topic in recent years, particularly in the wellness and health community. It involves the practice of taking sub-perceptual doses of substances, with the goal of achieving better physical and mental health benefits, without experiencing a full-blown effect or “trip”.

While microdosing might not directly contribute to weight loss, it can aid indirectly through a sequence of beneficial lifestyle modifications. Here’s how:

1. Improved focus and productivity

Microdosing has been reported to boost cognitive abilities, enhance creative thinking, and increase focus. This betterment in productivity can indirectly aid in weight loss. For instance, improved focus can lead to more consistent and effective workouts, resulting in more calories burned.

2. Enhanced mood and reduced stress

Many individuals who engage in microdosing report improvements in mood, which could indirectly impact weight. Prolonged stress and depression can lead to unhealthy eating habits such as overeating, under-eating, or opting for "comfort foods" high in sugars and fats. Thus, by boosting mood and reducing stress, microdosing can contribute to healthier eating decisions.

3. Encourages healthy habits 

The increased mindfulness often reported during microdosing can promote healthier lifestyle choices. This can include making more mindful nutrition choices, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and getting ample sleep. All of these factors play significant roles in weight management and this is exactly what we cover in our microdosing support program, Harmony.

4. Boosts energy levels

Increased energy is a frequently reported benefit of microdosing. Higher energy levels can help encourage physical activity and exercise, essential components of weight loss and overall health.

It’s important to note that weight loss should always come from a place of self-love and a desire for better health, and not societal pressures or comparisons. The goal of microdosing, like any health practice, should be holistic wellness. Remember, weight loss is a gradual process and there's no quick fix.

Microdosing may not directly stimulate weight loss, it can cultivate a healthier state of mind and habits that contribute to weight management. Leveraging microdosing in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise can result in a holistic and sustainable approach to weight loss.

If this is something that interests you head to this page to fill out an application to work with me 1:1. I’m currently taking on new one on one clients and I would love to hear from you! 


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