One Simple Hack to Remember Next Time You’re Stressed

When it comes to health improvements, most people have “lower stress level” on their list. But that’s the kind of invisible, hard to measure goal that can feel impossible to begin to tackle. 

The way to get anywhere is to start. And I’d love to invite you to just consider one, easy to remember question the next time you feel yourself get stressed:

“What can I control?”

It's so easy to get swept up in daily life, feeling overwhelmed by circumstances that seem beyond our grasp. Adding natural disasters and actual aliens to the stressors the average person faces between work and family– it makes sense we are often beyond our capacity. But by asking ourselves this simple yet powerful question, we gain clarity and regain our sense of agency.

When stress begins to tighten its grip, take a moment to pause and ask, "What can I control in this situation?". Identifying the aspects that lie within our influence allows us to direct our energy towards actionable solutions.

Often, we realize that while we can't control external events or other people's actions (or extraterrestrial life), we do hold power over our responses and attitudes. Shifting our focus from what's beyond our control to what we can manage empowers us to navigate stress with grace.

This question serves as a reminder to let go of the ways our brain attempts to change the unchangeable and instead channel our efforts into constructive actions. It helps us distinguish between what demands our attention and what we must accept and adapt to. The dig in from the let go.

Asking ourselves this question encourages us to show up to our stress responsibly. It nudges us to engage in self-care, establish healthy boundaries, and seek support when needed. It prompts us to prioritize our well-being and take proactive steps to cultivate resilience.

Ultimately, "What can I control?" guides us towards a place of inner calm amidst life's turbulence. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we possess the strength to make a positive impact on our journey.

So, the next time stress threatens your day, embrace this question as your simple and effective ally in finding the path away from anxiety.

Want to work with a trainer who takes a holistic approach (i.e. cares very much about your stress management)?

Fill out this form and I’ll get back to you ASAP. I’m taking on new 1:1 clients and would love to help you find more simple shifts to improve your overall well being.


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