Perimenopause Empowerment: Natural Strategies for Optimal Health and Well-being in Women’s Later Life Stages

It’s not an accident that words like perimenopause carry the weight of “oh my gosh, I’m an aging woman” as well as general fear around the amount of unknowns. That seems to be the way most everything in women’s health has been treated. It was only in the 90s that women had to be included in studies at all. Let alone our specific experiences and concerns getting addressed. And they’re certainly not things we learn or talk about openly. As everything associated with our bodies is somehow coded shameful. 

A different perspective, one that drives my work and how I address my clients needs at all stages of life, is that perimenopause is simply a natural life stage that we can expect to go through. It has unique challenges and problem solving that can happen around them. Just like any other part of life. And knowing this helps us feel more in control of what’s going on with us and our bodies. 

Here are some key things I find myself working with clients on who are in the perimenopause stage:

1. Balancing hormones with food choices is a crucial aspect of achieving optimal health

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet can help regulate hormone levels and promote overall well-being.

2. Managing shifting cholesterol levels requires a strategic approach to nutrition

Focus on a heart-healthy diet, low in saturated fats and high in fiber, to support cholesterol balance. Regular exercise and stress management are also key components of maintaining a healthy lipid profile.

3. Improving sleep issues with rituals is about creating a calming bedtime routine

Establish a consistent sleep schedule, unwind with relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing, and avoid stimulating activities before bedtime to enhance your sleep quality naturally.

4. To continue strength building, it's essential to vary your training routine

Incorporate different exercises, intensities, and training modalities to challenge your muscles and prevent plateaus. Progression is the key to long-term strength gains.

5. Addressing mood shifts naturally involves lifestyle choices like regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and stress reduction techniques

Additionally, consider incorporating mood-boosting foods like dark chocolate, fatty fish, and whole grains into your meals to support emotional well-being.

Everyone is different and all of my 1:1 clients get the level of care that allows us to really explore options like these and continue tailoring and fine tuning until we arrive at a sustainable set up habits that allow them to feel their best. Which is entirely possible in perimenopause. In fact an incredible amount of my clients report feeling “better than they ever have” at life stages they thought they had left that possibility behind. 

I have a few coveted spots currently open for the kind of individualized attention that is innately transformative. Click the link below to fill out an application for 1:1 coaching today. I have space open in my roster and would love to hear from you!


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