My Clients Who Get The BEST Results Have These 6 Traits In Common

Do you think everyone who is successful or gets the best results is very different?

No. The answer is absolutely not. In fact, they're very similar in MANY ways!

Now, they're all unique - that's without a doubt.

When it comes to habits and character traits, they all have a lot in common and I want to share six specific things I've seen as a common trait in my most successful clients.

1. They are coachable

In other words, they're receptive to being taught and open to learning new things to make them better. People who get results, are coachable and often invest in coaching - period.

2. They have a daily routine

I’ve yet to meet a successful person who doesn't have a morning routine or specific ritual to their day. Really, I haven't met a single super-successful person who doesn't value this! And it applies to the greatest athletes and physique enthusiasts in the world - they all have rituals before going into training, practice, recovery, etc...

3. They value connection to others

NOBODY is self made. We all need others and those who value true connection to other people, often get the best results because they feed off others energy and experiences, making them better at what they do in return.

4. They seek out adversity

Challenge. Resistance. Difficult tasks. Action. Risks. However you want to call it, successful people thrive on it. They seek it out and put themselves to the test, constantly. Its those challenges that make them better and better. Think of it like progressive overload, in life. It's the resistance applied that forces strength and growth!

5. They are consistent

Stuff comes up and workouts will be missed, meals will be skipped and sleep will be lacking. What I’ve seen from the people who are most successful is they get right back on the horse the next day and continue on with their routine and work. They know hiccups will come up along the way but that doesn’t stop them from seeing the bigger picture.

6. They have clear vision and goals

The only way to achieve great things is to have clarity of yourself achieving those great things. It's why I'm so big on meditation, writing down goals, and daily reflection. You need to have CLEAR goals or else you do not have a north-star to strive for.

Hopefully you can draw some inspiration from this list and if not (or if so!!) hit me up!


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