7 Habits to Cultivate Mindfulness

How do YOU cultivate mindfulness and stay present on the daily? I know- it’s much easier said than done. We can have such good intentions but life can throw us numerous curveballs at once making it difficult to focus on the NOW.

I am a big believer in meditation and practice it regularly- it’s one of the ways I personally stay present and sane.

Here I share seven more habits mindful people tend to practice on the daily:

1. Approach everyday life w/ curiosity. The more curious we are about life, the more we will discover new things and find new ways to stay happy and creative.

2. Forgive yourself & others. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The only person losing is you. It’s important we let things go and try our best to not dwell on the past.

3. Show gratitude for the good moments and grace for the bad. It’s amazing how far a little gratitude can go and how good it can make you feel.

4. Practice compassion & nurture connections. Relationships are work- whether they are friendships, co-workers, siblings, spouse, etc. Taking the time to connect with the people we love is key.

5. Make peace w/ imperfections- inside and out. Cause none of us are perfect and no one really has it all together.

6. Enhance vulnerability by trusting others & ourselves. I’ve been sharing more on social media, for example, and it’s amazing how much people connect with you more so when you just work up enough courage to open up and be vulnerable. It shows you are real which people can connect to.

7. Accept and appreciate that things come & go. In life, the only constant we have is change. It’s one of the guarantees in life we always have.

Life is FLUID and if it’s not changing it’s dead.

What habits are you working on to become more mindful and present in your day to day life? Pick one habit to focus on and start working on it today. Small changes and progress can go a long way.



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