Cultivate Your Most Optimal Lifestyle

Check out my interview with Subkit, where they help regular everyday people go solo and achieve work independence on their own terms. Thank you for the feature!

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I’m a holistic health coach, and I specialize in reverse dieting, weight loss, and integrative coaching. I optimize the body, mind, and spirit to work as ONE!

Tell us about yourself

I discovered my passion for fitness and health as a young kid. I started running competitively and fell in love with the sport. I became the captain of my cross country high school team and received an athletic scholarship to go to college for running, and graduated with a bachelor of science in public health. I knew I wanted to work with people by getting them healthy — body, mind, and spirit!

I learned the value of taking care of yourself at an early age. I grew up in a very chaotic and abusive home, and sports saved my life growing up. It gave me the confidence I needed to excel and grow. Now, as an entrepreneur, I thrive by giving people an outlet, confidence, and something to work towards every day. Helping other people inspires me to show up and continue to take care of myself. I’m living proof that you can overcome the circumstances you’re born into and create a new life for yourself despite the cards you’ve been dealt. Mindset is a huge key component in overcoming any obstacle!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Outside of helping people lose weight, I’ve also helped people overcome body dysmorphia and binge eating and develop a healthier and more positive relationship with food, getting people results after being plateaued for many years through reverse dieting, teaching people how to meditate and manage their stress and inspiring others to stop focusing on the scale weight as the only way to measure progress.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?


What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Get someone to do your books as far as taxes go.

  2. Understand that running a business also means failing at times. Have an open mind and look at your failures as an opportunity for growth.

  3. Outsource and hire people to help you. All the best people have not done it alone. Be willing to hire people where you are falling short.


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