6 (Not So Pleasant) Side Effects You Can Experience From Microdosing with Psilocybin

Microdosing with psilocybin certainly has both pros and cons. I usually always talk about the pros since myself and my clients have all experienced truly amazing, positive results, which has been nothing short of life changing. But, like with any medicine, it’s important to be aware of side effects.

Microdosing can be especially helpful for treating various conditions such as anxiety, depression, and addiction.

1. Nausea

One of the most common side effects of microdosing with psilocybin is nausea. This is because the stomach often has trouble digesting psilocybin, leading to an upset stomach in general. To avoid nausea, I recommend taking microdoses with food or in the form of a tea or capsule. Orange juice or oranges can also help to eat it with if you’re someone who experiences nausea. 

Download my comprehensive guide to Microdosing!

2. Headaches

Another common side effect of psilocybin microdosing is headaches. This is often due to the changes in serotonin levels in the brain. The best way to prevent headaches is to start with the lowest dose possible and increase gradually.

3. Anxiety and paranoia

Microdosing psilocybin can lead to an increase in anxiety or paranoia, especially for those with a pre-existing condition. This often occurs when a person takes a larger dose than their body is used to. To prevent this, it's essential to start at a lower dose and gradually increase to find the right dosage for you. Remember: start low and go slow. 

4. Changes in mood

Microdosing psilocybin can affect a person's mood, leading to unpredictable changes in state. Some individuals have reported feeling uncontrollably happy or sad, while others experience a loss of emotion altogether. These mood changes can occur due to changes in serotonin levels in the brain. Keep in mind this is not a “magic pill” and it won’t always be “sunshine and rainbows.” There might be some uncomfortable stuff that comes up you will need to still address and move through. 


5. Sleep disturbances

Microdosing with psilocybin may also lead to sleep disturbances. Individuals may experience vivid dreams, night sweats, or nightmares, which can interfere with their ability to sleep. This side effect can be minimized by taking microdoses early on in the day.

6. Risk of flashbacks

One of the most worrying side effects of microdosing with psilocybin is the risk of experiencing flashbacks. This occurs when an individual has a psychedelic experience outside of a microdosing session. While this risk is relatively low, those with pre-existing conditions such as PTSD are more likely to experience flashbacks. I’ve never heard of anyone I know experiencing flashbacks but it’s important to know there are risks. 

Microdosing with psilocybin can have numerous potential benefits for those seeking a natural and holistic approach to treating various conditions. However, it's essential to understand that this practice comes with potential side effects. By starting with a low dose, increasing gradually, and paying attention to their bodies, individuals can enjoy the benefits of microdosing while minimizing the risks of experiencing side effects.

If you want help introducing microdosing into your life, try one of my programs below or get in touch.

*Please note I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. I am not supplying any illegal drugs nor will I assist you or advise you on where to get them. I cannot and will not tell you where and how to get them. All content provided here by me is for educational and harm reduction purposes only and based mostly off my own opinion and findings. 

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