Two Arm Exercises You Cannot NOT Skip!

When it comes to training the upper body, there are plenty of exercises to choose from. You have the chest, back, bis, tris, shoulders, traps, lats, etc. And within these muscular subdivisions lie plenty of specific exercises to choose from.

Today I’m breaking down two compound push exercises- one for your shoulders and one for your chest and triceps. Let’s jump into it!

1. The Half-Kneeling Dumbbell Shoulder Press

What it works:

  • The front & side head of the deltoid

The benefits:

  • Working one shoulder at a time allows for greater focus

  • You have a lower risk for injury because there is a more natural range of motion compared to the barbell version

  • The core needs to work harder to stabilize your body under an asymmetrical load

2. The Dumbbell floor press

What it works:

  • Pecs and triceps

The benefits:

  • Better tolerated for people with shoulder issues because you're able to use a neutral grip. Also, pressing on the floor limits the range of motion

  • Pressing from the floor reduces extension at the shoulder joint

  • Slight more focus on triceps while still providing a good training effect for the pecs and triceps

Throw one or both of them into your next upper body day. Try 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Check out an example HERE and let me know what you think!


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