4 Things That Might Be Holding You Back From Losing Weight

When it comes to weight loss, we know you have to be eating less food than what you’re burning off in order to drop body fat on a weekly basis. But maybe you feel like you’re doing that and still not seeing much progress...so what gives?

I’ve got four variables that can be holding you back from your weight loss progress.

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1️. Being inconsistent with your diet or workout

It doesn’t matter if you had one great week of training. Consistency is key when it comes to seeing sustainable weight loss results. Give yourself at least 6-8 weeks of consistent training before you begin getting frustrated with the lack of results you’re seeing. Remember, real results take time! Be patient and trust the process.

2. Not getting enough sleep!

Not getting enough sleep is completely underrated. When we don’t get enough rest, we don’t recover and can’t push it the way we really want to in our workouts. Make sure you’re getting 7-8 hours a night!⠀

3️. Not eating enough or eating too many calories can both hinder weight loss

In order to lose body fat, we have to be in a caloric deficit. However, if you’re someone who has been chronically under-eating for longer than six months, your metabolism may have adapted and you might actually need to reverse diet first in order to begin your weight loss journey. Contact me HERE if this sounds like it could be you. ⠀

4. Not resting enough

Not taking rest days can and will backfire on you! Rest days are just as important as training days are. It’s the time our bodies replenish and rebuild so don’t skip them. Allow your body at least 1-2 days totally off. ⠀

5. You’re not tracking calories or macronutrients

Tracking macros and calories is not the only way to lose weight...but it is very efficient. If you’ve “tried everything” but still have not tried tracking, get to it! Having tangible numbers to go off of week to week makes the process easier to change things along the way and you’ll learn a lot in the process. ⠀

6️. You’re not tracking progress in the gym

Not tracking your progress in the gym is like shooting yourself in the foot. You have to make sure your strength training program is progressive- AKA changing up monthly in order to avoid plateauing. The body is very good at adapting so following a progressive strength training program and tracking your progress along the way is VITAL to getting stronger & seeing the results you want.⠀

Questions? Contact me HERE. I’m taking on new clients and would love to hear how I can help you reach your fat loss goals.


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