5 Must-Do Mobility Drills to Relieve Low Back Pain NOW

According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80% of Americans will experience some kind of lower back pain throughout the course of their lives. Knowing how much American’s sit throughout a typical day and given that single statistic alone, it’s safe to say that at some point you will fall within that 80%. 

In my wiser years, I have taken on the “train smarter not harder” motto but this was only after I injured myself in my early 20’s after lifting too heavy doing a front-loaded barbell squat.

I didn’t warm up and BOOM, lesson learned. 

Now, I make sure I warm up before every workout and practice my mobility drills on a weekly basis. 

I wanted to share my top five favorite drills with you to help manage your low back pain and feel better TODAY.

1. Kneeling hip flexor stretch

Great hip opener which can alleviate pressure or pulling on the lower back. Get into a kneeling position. Lunge forward with knee on padded mat. Position one foot forward. Straighten the hip of the rear leg by pushing your hips forward. Don't hyperextend through the lower back. Make sure you are pushing forward through the glutes. Hold the stretch then repeat with the opposite side.

2. Spiderman-stretch

This is an awesome multi-joint stretch. Start in a pushup position. Put your hands underneath your shoulders. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Bring one foot up to the outside of the right hand, then sink your hips down while keeping your chest up. Make sure the chin stays tucked. Hold for 2-seconds. Then bring that foot back to the starting position. Switch and do the other side. Do 4-6 on each side.

3. Bootstrappers

Great stretch for the hamstrings, hips, and lower back. Stand just outside hip-width apart. Reach down and grab the toes of your shoes. Use that as leverage to pull yourself down to the bottom position. Then push the knees out with the elbows. Keep the head aligned with the body and keep your chest up. Hold this for two seconds. Stay there, lift hips up, then repeat without unlocking hands from toes. Do 6-10 reps.

4. Glute bridges

Lie faceup on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down. Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Squeeze your butt like you have a quarter stuck between your butt cheeks and you’re trying to keep it there. Hold this bridged position while squeezing your butt. Hold it for 2-3 seconds and then release the contraction and bring your hips back down to start. Repeat 20-30 times. 

5. Side-lying clam-shells

Lie down on your side with knees bent and spine in a neutral position. This can be done with a band or without a band.  Engage your lower abdominals to stabilize your spine and pelvis. Be sure your hip bones are stacked on top of each other (the tendency is for the top hip to rock backward). Press your fingers into the back of the top (left) hip to monitor the contraction of your muscles. Keeping your heels touching, raise your left knee and rotate it back, creating an arc with your left knee. Do not allow your hips to roll back; keep them stacked! Lower your knee only to the point at which the muscles turn off -usually 1/4 to 1/2 inch for beginners. Continue rotating the knee up and down, keeping the contraction. Perform 5 to 15 repetitions or until fatigued, then switch sides.

Whether it’s back pain, neck, shoulder, knee, hip- whatever! It’s crazy to think about but there are over 120+ million Americans who suffer from chronic pain on a daily basis, so if you are one of them, know that you're not alone! Make sure you prioritize your warm-ups and dedicate at least 15 minutes to warming your body up before your workouts. This will not only help to keep your current injuries at bay but will also prevent new ones from coming on and help you get the most out of your workouts on a weekly basis. 

As always, I’m here with any questions or comments you have.

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