What is Orthorexia and Signs You Might Have It

In today's wellness-driven world, we often hear about different eating disorders and their potential impact on our lives. One such disorder that's gaining attention is orthorexia.

Wait…wtf is Orthorexia?

Orthorexia nervosa is a term used to describe an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.

I feel guilty after eating anything

While it's not yet officially recognized as an eating disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), it is widely acknowledged as a problematic condition that can negatively impact one's physical and mental well-being.

Signs you might have orthorexia include,

1. Obsession with food purity

If you find yourself obsessively and strictly adhering to self-imposed rules about what foods are "clean" or "pure," to the point where it causes distress or interferes with daily life, it might be a sign of orthorexia. You may avoid certain food groups, develop strict rituals around food preparation, or experience anxiety when faced with foods you deem "impure" or "unhealthy”.

2. Social isolation

Orthorexia can lead to social isolation as you may feel anxious or uncomfortable dining out or attending social events where you don't have control over the food choices. The fear of being unable to adhere to your strict dietary rules may lead to declining invitations or avoiding situations where food is involved altogether.

3. Extreme guilt and anxiety

Orthorexia involves feelings of guilt, anxiety, or self-judgment when deviating even slightly from your chosen dietary guidelines. If you find yourself feeling immense guilt or anxiety by consuming foods you consider "unhealthy" or punishing yourself through extreme measures for perceived dietary "slip-ups," it may be a sign of orthorexia.

4. Neglecting other aspects of life

When your obsession with healthy eating consumes a significant portion of your time, energy, and thoughts, it can lead to neglecting other important aspects of life. You may find yourself prioritizing food choices and meal preparation over socializing, hobbies, or relationships, which can negatively impact your overall well-being.

5. Declining health

Paradoxically, although the intention behind orthorexia is to be healthy, individuals with this disorder may experience declining physical health. By restricting food groups, removing essential nutrients from their diets, or constantly eliminating food choices, they may develop nutrient deficiencies, weakened immune systems, physical fatigue, or even hormonal imbalances.

Orthorexia, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating, warrants attention and understanding. If you recognize some of these patterns in your own life, it may be time to seek help from a qualified professional.

Good news: I can help! I’m a certified nutritionist and have been in your exact shoes. I myself suffered from orthorexia for close to two years and although I was the leanest I ever was. I was also my unhealthiest and unhappiest.

You're not alone and there is a way out. You don’t need to live your life in this restrictive manner with this black-and-white thinking. Orthorexia is a highly dangerous eating disorder that can lead to malnutrition and other serious health problems.

Contact me today if you want to move forward and develop a more positive and peaceful relationship with food.


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