How to Progress in Your Weight Training Program Without Having Gym Access

I wanted to offer you some insight into how I’ve been coaching my clients to continue seeing progress with no gym access. This can be tricky for those individuals who have a goal of specifically wanting to build muscle mass.

Here are my suggestions on what you should be focusing on during this time to at least maintain your fitness.


It’s kind of difficult to do without having access to heavyweight. But it can be done. If you have bands...

Add another band! You can make the resistance harder by doubling up on your bands.

Add 1-2 reps. Or doing something like adding a pause at the bottom of your reps, slowing down the negative, adding in another set, adding weight by loading your body up with a backpack, grabbing your baby, pet, water bottles- anything to safely add weight to your exercises would work.

Also, doing things like drop sets, switching up your grip or angle of a particular exercise, elevating your feet, hands, or creating a deficit. The list goes on and my point here is simple: You absolutely can progress the movements you're doing, because progressive overload doesn't directly mean "add load to the bar". It simply means to continue to challenge yourself in some way each week.


You'll get a relatively good result with your muscles if you consistently create tension in the muscle you’re targeting, apply resistance in some way, and if you reach a near failure point on your final few reps. With that being said, it means bands, bodyweight, and even the 5lb DB's you have in your hall closet collecting dust will WORK for building some muscle. You just might have to increase the rep count or include an intensity technique, but as long as you get within 3 reps of complete failure or burnout - you'll actually create a pretty good stimulus for building muscle.


How many days in a row can you be on point? Start a habit tracker, implement some new habits, or consider habit stacking during this time. Don’t overthink things. Just focus on being consistent. We don’t have a ton of distractions and time is something we all have right now. Not only is the concept of being consistent a direct reflection on your work ethic, mindset, and discipline, but it's the BIGGEST factor in seeing results. Work on it and master it during this time.


Although there are things we should repeatedly do and exercises I think should be done every week because of their level of efficiency and stimulus placed on the body, there is also something to be said for what's called "novelty stimulus". What this means is new stress applied to the body.

This stress leads to adaptation, as long as recovery is on point. So now more than ever is the time to throw some different aspects of training into the mix. Some examples of this can look like doing ultra-high reps, slowing your reps waaaay down at the bottom of your squats, adding in isometric holds,

Always do typical concentric/eccentric training? Add some isometric holds, or, yes, you guessed it- doing some more CRADIO. Go for a run outside if that’s something completely foreign to you. Or try a mini band workout after your 40-minute weight training workout (Like HERE). All these things WILL lead to more success due to the new stimulus you are creating.


One thing I've learned in the last couple of weeks is just how important accountability really is. I’ve had COUNTLESS clients reach out to me saying how grateful they feel to have me in their corner to help hold them accountable and this honestly, means the world to me- especially in times like this! I’m keeping them accountable by being their coach, checking in on them, giving them workouts and coaching them with their nutrition. But they’re also keeping me accountable. They depend on me and that’s the thing that has kept me afloat during this time. It goes both ways. So, with that said, find someone to hold you accountable. It doesn’t matter if it’s a coach, a friend, a Facebook group, a brother, sister, wife or husband- you need someone to connect with and be accountable to now more than ever... And what better time to invest in your health and wellness than right now

Enrollment to join my one-on-one virtual coaching sessions is now OPEN.


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