Lacking Motivation To Exercise? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

If you’re experiencing a lot of mental resistance towards exercise, I’m not just talking about having a bad day or week. I’m talking about consistent resistance towards working out in general, try asking yourself these three questions: ⠀

1. What would your daily/weekly movement medicine be if aesthetics had nothing to do with it?⠀

2. What types of movement did you do as a kid? Can you work that back into your routine once a week?⠀

3. Would you be more open to training if it was at a lower intensity? Outdoors? With a group or solo? ⠀

Grab a pen and paper, sit down and answer these questions honestly. ⠀

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I do this exercise with clients who have a difficult time motivating themselves to workout on a consistent basis and it helps a TON.

The goal with these questions is to give you some insight as to why exercise might not be as enjoyable as it used to be but offer you ideas on how you can work it back into your life.⠀

Think about it, maybe you used to ride your bike as a kid, skip, play manhunt for hours, jump rope, etc. It’s funny because kids don’t look at movement as “work.” That’s often the mindset we take on as adults so the goal is to get back to your inner child and find the FUN in movement again. ⠀

Working out doesn’t need to look the same for everyone either.

My advice is to find the things you genuinely enjoy doing first and foremost! This is my number one tip for creating more consistency with my clients. You’ve got to enjoy your mode of movement first or else you’ll wind up dreading it and/or eventually burning out. ⠀

What was your go-to mode of movement growing up? Leave me a comment below.

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