6 Ways to NOT Sabotage Your Gains During Quarantine

Whether you’re still out and about working, working from home, practicing social distancing solo, or with your spouse or roommate, we’re all experiencing a new normal together. This transition may be easy for some, but the reality is trying to be productive and develop a daily routine within the confines of your home is challenging for most people.

I wanted to share six habits you can implement throughout the week in order to not only cope with these new changes but thrive and at the very least, maintain progress!

1. Workout/get movement in first thing in the morning

I’m not saying working out while in quarantine is necessary- but many people prefer to get some kind of movement in during this time of isolation because it makes them feel good. If you’re one of these people, then my advice is to get it in first thing in the morning. Even though you may not be extremely “busy” during this time in general, things will inevitably come up throughout the course of the day so it’s better to try and get it in earlier rather than later.

2. Consider Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy to implement during this time. Your meals may be irregular right now, your routine and habits might be off- know that that is OK! But if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain progress, things with your diet can be tricky right now. This is why practicing intermittent fasting can help by pushing your first meal back into the day which means you’ll have more calories to play with later on.

3. When/if you drink alcohol, skip the sugary drinks! 

When it comes to adult beverages, try to stick to hard liquor and skip the sugary drinks such as frozen drinks or any kind of drink made from a fruit juice base. If you can, opt-out of drinking entirely during this time. If not, consider limiting your overall weekly intake to 2-4 drinks max.

4. Order sauce on the side 

Ordering in? Ask for the sauce on the side. Cooking for yourself and others? Skip the heavy dressings or put it on the side. The amount of dressing most restaurants give you on the side of the plate is usually significantly less than the amount they would pour into the actual dish. Save yourself the extra calories and just opt for sauce on the side!

5. Prioritize protein

Look for chicken, fish, steak, or tofu that is “grilled” or “steamed” when ordering in. Any protein that looks yummy and minimally dressed is what you should look for on the menu first. When preparing your own meals at home, make the protein of choice the heart of the meal. When your food is ready to be eaten, opt to eat the protein and veggies first. Then indulge in the carbs. 

6. Want a dessert? Remember, sharing is caring!

Look, you are in the middle of a pandemic, and desserts are necessary to help cope sometimes! You can ask your family members or roommate to split a dessert with you so you can both enjoy yourselves while satisfying your cravings and cutting the serving in half. Solo? Reserve half the dessert for tomorrow night- you’ll be happy you did!

Remember, we're all in this together! As we navigate this new normal, changes to our routine are necessary for our health and well-being. Above all, practice patience. Understand that it’s okay to feel confused, anxious, and unsure about what's next.

You are NOT alone. As always, I’m here with any questions or concerns you have.


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