11 Tips to Boost Your Immune System NOW

The amount of supplements and products today that claim to help boost our immune system are far from lacking.

Yes, all of our immune systems are incredibly complex. They have to be strong enough and sophisticated enough to fight off a variety of illnesses and infections, but not so strong that it overreacts unnecessarily, causing allergies and other autoimmune disorders to develop.

To operate in such a delicate balance, your immune system is tightly controlled by a variety of different factors, all of which gets way

Despite its complexity, there are everyday lifestyle habits you can focus on to help give your immune system what it needs to fight off an infection or illness.

Here are a few ways to ensure your immune system has everything it needs to function optimally.

1. Sleep!

Make sure you’re getting 7-8 hours a night ⠀


I recommend a daily dose of D3, zinc, a probiotic and Vitamin C. The Vitamin D3 I take can be found here and the probiotic I love, Stamets 7 can be found here.

3. Water

Make sure you’re staying hydrated and drinking at least 2 liters of water a day!⠀

If you’re having trouble meeting your daily hydration needs, IV therapy in Minneapolis can help. Treatments fully rehydrate you in less than an hour.

4. Manage your stress

Meditate, try some deep belly breathing or commit to a journaling practice for 30 days. ⠀

5. Steam or sauna

Try to get a weekly steam or sauna if possible. Cold showers also work well to naturally boost the bodies immune system. ⠀

6. Limit alcohol

It brings down your immune defenses! Also, save your lungs and give edibles a t`ry instead of smoking. ⠀

7. Limit processed food

Processed foods wreak havoc on our immune systems.⠀

8. Get regular exercise

Try to get sweaty for at least 4-5x days a week. The natural endorphins naturally boost your body's immunity.

9. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best forms of relaxation and stress relief. The less stress we have in our bodies, the stronger our immune systems. I recommend meditating 1-2x a day for at least 20 minutes.

10. Breathe work!

Probably one of the most underrated but yet simple ways we can boost the body's natural immune system. Try giving one of my five favorite variations of breath work a try for at least 5-10 minutes straight. Most of us rely on chest breathing which keeps stress high in the body. When we move toward belly breathing, stress naturally drops and we give our bodies natural immunity a chance to increase.

11. Have more sex

Folks who have sex tend to have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders and antibodies to fight off bacteria and diseases. It also increases your oxytocin which in turn will make you more happy and less stressed out.

Have questions about becoming a new client or keeping your mind and body at your most optimal? Schedule a FREE strategy call with me today!


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