4 Simple Ways to Track Your Progress This Spring

Are you tired of feeling like the number on the scale defines your progress? Are you ready to shift your focus to other areas that truly measure your progress towards a healthier, happier you? If so, keep reading!

While the scale can be a helpful tool for tracking weight loss, it’s certainly not the only indicator of progress. Focusing solely on the number on the scale can lead to frustration and disappointment, and even has the potential to derail your progress altogether. This is why I want to encourage you to focus on other things besides the scale to measure your progress.

Here are four other ways to track your progress and celebrate your successes this spring:


1. Take measurements

Measuring your body, such as your waist, hips, and thighs, can give you a more accurate picture of your progress. As you lose fat and build muscle, your body composition will change even if the scale isn't moving much.

2. Pay attention to how your clothes fit

If your clothes are fitting looser, that's a sign that you're making progress, even if the scale isn't budging.

3. Keep track of your energy levels

Are you feeling more energized and less sluggish? That's a sure sign that you're making progress towards a healthier lifestyle. Energy doesn’t lie!

4. Track your workouts

Are you lifting heavier weights, running faster, or doing more reps on average per workout? These are all signs of progress that have nothing to do with the number on the scale, but are huge indications of progress.

Remember, progress is about more than just a number on the scale. It's about feeling healthier, stronger, and more confident in your own skin. So, let's ditch the scale and focus on all the amazing progress you're making in other areas of your life!


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