6 Ways to Train Your Brain to be More Positive

Having a positive mindset can have a significant impact on your overall well-being, health and happiness. The reality is tho that it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook, especially when life throws you those unexpected curveballs.

Fortunately, there are ways to train your brain to be more positive. Here are six effective strategies I encourage you to try.

1. Practice gratitude

Start each day by writing down three things you're grateful for. It doesn’t need to be formal- it can be in a bullet form. Focus on the good things in your life, no matter how small. This can help shift your mindset to be more positive.I like to encourage clients to write down 1-3 things at the end of each day that they feel grateful for.

2. Challenge negative thoughts

When negative thoughts arise,challenge them by asking yourself if they're really true. Often, negative thoughts are just stories we tell ourselves and they're not even based in reality. A method I like to use daily to pause my thoughts is meditation. Meditation is a great strategy I use daily to challenge my thoughts and slow myself down — especially if I get the sense I’m starting to spiral. . 

3. Surround yourself with positive people

This is big! The people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your mindset and life. Spend time with people who lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. If you feel drained after spending time with certain folks, that’s your cue to spend less time with them or to even cut them out. 

4. Engage in positive self-talk

Be mindful of how you talk to yoursel! Audit your thoughts daily! We can have upwards of 6000 thoughts a day. It’s important to audit your thoughts and recognize if you’re criticizing yourself most often or practicing positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. We often fixate on the things we’re lacking. Practice looking at the positive and the things you’re good at. This takes practice so be patient with yourself. 

how to become a happier more positive person

5. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused on the moment. It can also help you become more aware of negative thought patterns and shift them to a more positive mindset. Again, personally I think meditation and breathework can be great tools here to get more present and stay more mindful throughout your day. Journaling is also good. The reality is any hobby you enjoy will work for this one so think about what you genuinely like to do. You may not realize it but when you do tasks you love, you’re super present because you are actually ENJOYING yourself. Speaking of joy…

6. Find the JOY in your life

Doing something you enjoy, whether it's going for a walk or reading a book, can boost your mood and help you feel more positive.If this one stumps you, a good place to start would be to think of the things you used to do as a kid. What did you do for “fun?” Consider bringing some of those activities back into your life. (Dancing, roller skating, building stuff, riding a bike, playing an instrument, etc). 

Training your brain to be more positive takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can develop a more positive mindset and improve your overall well-being. Health is wealth and our mindset is the number one component to living an overall healthy and happy life!

Questions on how or where to start? Feel free to contact me. I’m taking on new clients to make LIFE overhauls and transformations- mindset included!


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