6 Ways to be More Positive This Year

January seems to be the time of year we’re constantly bombarded with the various goals we should consider in order to improve our “health”. From diets, to different kinds of workouts, to skinny teas, waist trainers, boot camps and cleanses, the messages are endless telling us how we should consider a physique change in order to become healthier in the New Year.

It’s like “health” pertains only to what our bodies look like. But the reality is health is a wide broad spectrum and what we’re thinking is just as important as how we’re training and what we’re eating.

Take for example, goals centered around our thoughts. Some people would argue that our thoughts are just as important as what we’re eating on a daily basis and how we’re moving our bodies.

Why do I emphasize stress management and inner dialogue so much with my one one one clients? Because our thoughts shape our reality. What we think we become.

how do i stay positive in my everyday life

Which brings me to my next point, instead of fixating on training your body, here are six ways to train your brain to stay more POSITIVE this year. Remember, just like training the body, it takes consistency and patience to also shift our thought patterns. But with diligence and unbiased observation, it can be done!

Here are my top six tips to change your mindset and keep it more light and positive this year.

1. Meditate or take 2 minutes for mindful deep breathing every day

HERE are some of my favorite breathe practices.

2. Set aside specific time during the day to do what you love

Taking time to do things you enjoy like a hobby or even just some self care will go a very long way. We can’t pour from an empty cup!

3. Express gratitude by writing down 1-3 things at the end of each day you feel grateful for

Gratitude journaling has been a game changer for me personally and it’s something I assign to my clients as well. It doesn’t need to be anything huge either- it can be as simple as “the sun came out today.”

4. Express kindness by writing an email or calling someone in your social network giving praise or thanking them for something awesome they did

Praise is a huge way to shift energy and help people feel more appreciated. Makes you feel pretty awesome too!

5. Exercise and nourish your body with proper nutrition

Yes, this falls under the physical, more tangible habits to focus on when it comes to your health, but eating a well rounded, wholesome, balanced diet will allow you to cognitively perform at your highest potential, think more clearly and generally speaking feel your best. Moving your body regularly will improve your mood by enhancing your body's natural endorphins and regulating your nervous system which in turn has a direct correlation over our thoughts.

6. Laugh often, don’t take life too seriously

We’ve got to laugh at ourselves! Laughter is by far the best medicine.

What kind of energy and vibes are you putting out into the world? If you’re unsure, just ask yourself if you would want to spend time with you? Would you bring positive energy to the table or drain people with your pessimistic thoughts? Another great question to consider is asking yourself who and what have you been attracting into your life? That should help you get one step closer to your answer.

Being positive starts with awareness and luckily, it’s never too late to re-write your story. Let’s make this year the best yet.


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