Real Stories from Clients Who Earned a Body by Amanda

I like to think of all my clients as success stories. Everyone views “success” differently. I tell my clients that it’s not about the numbers on the scale, but you should measure your fitness journey by the way you feel and think.

Here I share three real-life results of my clients.  

Madeline gives zero f**ks what anyone thinks of her

When she came to me she told me she wanted help with becoming stronger and adopting healthier eating habits. She wanted to get pregnant in the future and knew although she didn’t have a weight problem needed to build some strength and adopt healthier habits before starting to try. By participating in my 12 week online training program, Madeline lost 7 pounds and 2 whole inches around her waist. More importantly, she has made serious strides toward living an overall healthier LIFESTYLE. She wakes up with more energy. She has less mood swings. She's been strength training 3x a week, changed her eating habits to incorporate more protein and veggies AND quit smoking. The results were obvious through her physique but also through her attitude and overall energy.

Kerry committed to my program for 4 weeks

After 4 weeks into my 12 week online training program, her results spoke for themselves. She  strength trained 4x a week, incorporated intervals 2x a week and was hitting her macros consistently. 4 weeks. 28 days. 4,704 hours.

Real progress takes TIME. We have to remember to stay patient during this process. If we make our health a priority, then a lot of changes can happen within that initial 4 weeks! Kerry lost a full 2 inches around her waist, 1 inch around her hips & her arms also shrunk by a full half inch. Oh and her booty is sitting higher. WINNING!

Robert didn’t care so much about losing weight or obtaining a certain body fat percentage

Robert wanted to learn proper eating habits and understand the way a progressive program worked. He wanted to explore what training methods worked best for his lifestyle, body and goals. He wanted to become stronger and develop a more regimented routine. With hard work, positivity and consistency, Robert started seeing a change in his body but also throughout his entire life. He asked lots of questions and week to week we watched his volume, reps and cardio endurance improve. He became thrilled when certain weights and exercises were not so challenging for him anymore. It was especially empowering for him to see how much more capable he was and how he woke up in the morning easily without aches and pains. Robert became more confident in the gym and obtained a much better understanding of what overall health and wellness means to him.


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