The Real Reason You Aren’t Seeing Changes in Your Physique

If you're pushing yourself but still struggling to improve your gains in the gym, chances are you're just not eating enough in order to see growth. I see this is the case with over 90% of folks I work with! 

Building muscle requires you to eat in a calorie surplus, or eating more than you're burning.

Yes, that means you will put on weight. But if muscle gain is your goal, you need to accept the fact you will see the scale weight move up and not place so much emphasis on the scale alone. 

I know that can be challenging! Personally, I used to have a terrible relationship with food. But once I got away from fixating on the scale and basing my training solely around those numbers, I was able to finally build muscle and develop a more peaceful and positive relationship with food.Not only that, my energy soared, I hit PR’s in the gym, I was sleeping better at night and my libido improved! 

why am i not seeing muscle growth even though i workout

Here are eight variables to ease your mind as you eat more to build and see the scale weight move up. You CAN still be making progress! It just isn’t weight loss at this time and there’s nothing wrong with that.

  1. Sleeping better throughout the night 

  2. Hitting PR’s in the gym 

  3. Feeling less winded from doing cardio 

  4. Experiencing better digestion

  5. Improved hair/nail growth 

  6. Increase in libido 

  7. Feeling more energized throughout the day 

  8. Experiencing a more positive and peaceful relationship with food 

Remember, to build muscle means you need to be okay with letting go of that fixation you have on the scale. 

Keep these other very important variables in mind when it comes to progress. There are different seasons in life in which we build, cut, and heal. NOTHING In nature blooms all year round. 


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