4 Unspoken Factors to Help Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, we are aware of the essentials that need to happen in order to see results:

  • You need to be in a consistent calorie deficit

  • You should be following a progressive strength training program

  • You should be eating well balanced meals with plenty of protein and vegetables

But, there are a few other important criterias’ that are unspoken. From my experience in fitness coaching here are some key factors that play just as much as an important part in your weight loss journey.

Factors that affect weight loss.JPG

1. You don't believe you can

Plain and simple, your lack of belief stops you from taking action more often and because you just don't truly believe in your ability to get super lean... you will constantly hold yourself back from getting there.

So, try this:

  • Find a quiet place in your house at a quiet time you can repeat daily

  • Close your eyes and throw some Buddha-like meditation music on

  • Visualize yourself leaner, healthier, more energetic, and happier

I know it’s kind of corny but the reality is if you can visualize yourself succeeding, you will be much more inclined to do so. The body achieves what the mind believes!

2. You’re sweating the small stuff

  • This is like stressing your supplements while you fail to hit your macros

  • This is worrying about your pre workout meal timing when you haven't slept more than 5 hours in weeks

  • This is adding HIIT finishers to workouts when you aren't even following a progressive training program

You know what creates the best physique results, ever...? CONSISTENCY with the BIG ROCKS.

3. You're impatient AF

Look, I get it... I'm impatient as well.

In fact, I think having a good balance of impatience and patience is helpful and oftentimes it's a common trait of successful people. The impatience is the fire under your butt pushing you to grow and the patience reminds you that greatness isn't achieved overnight.

But here's the deal, once you lock down #1 and #2 - it's really just a time thing at that point. You need to commit to a longer timeframe, keep the big picture in mind constantly, and remember that the type of changes you can clearly see in a physique... just don't happen super quickly.

4. You compare too much

"Comparison is the thief of joy"

I love this quote and it has stood the test of time, it is well worth writing down for yourself too!

Comparison is also the thief of success and personal progress. Because as soon as you start comparing, you run the risk of erasing #'s 1-3.

Now, it's impossible not to do so ever... trust me. But if you can become aware of it, you can shift once it does start. You can also become aware of why you do it, what triggers you to do it, and when it happens most. From there, you can audit your social media, environment, and entertainment, WHILE starting to look at the whole picture.

In other words, if you're comparing your stomach to Erica’s... compare the entire picture. You're a mother of 3, work part time, have thyroid dysfunction, and just started your fitness journey 1 year ago. Meanwhile Erica has no kids, works in the fitness industry, and has been on her fitness journey for 10 years.

Comparison isn't even warranted, factually.

But this all starts with being aware that you do it and then auditing your thoughts and behaviors.

Weight loss is simple but far from easy!! Taking these key pointers into consideration will expedite your fat loss goals.


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