How Sacrifice Helped Me Reach My Fitness Goals

If you want different, you need to act different.

Talking the talk is not enough. Sure, there is a ton of power behind our words and thoughts. But the reality is ACTION is what creates change. So If you want different, you should be willing to make sacrifices along the way or else you’ll have to live with the pain of regret down the road. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live with the pain of temporary sacrifice versus the pain of regret.

When it comes to our fitness goals, sacrifice can look something like drinking less alcohol, tracking macros, meal prepping, getting to the gym on a consistent basis- ya know, the necessary actions needed in order to change your physique.

In our world of convenience, we've created an illusion that results should be painless. And by referencing pain, I mean difficult, or something that will require SOME discomfort, at some point.

The hard truth is that there will be some struggle involved because again if we want different, we need to act differently.

A diet and a training program that will get you leaner and more fit, but it isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows. If it were, we’d all be happy with our physiques and I’d be out of a job.

But, the pain is what ultimately helps us grow; physically AND mentally. Would you rather deal with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?

If you’re someone who is looking to make a change but for whatever reason, you keep putting it off until next week, or next month, or next year, ask yourself where are you not willing to sacrifice or deal with the pain of discipline?

What areas do you NEED to deal with discipline, to get where you want to be?

Ok... now, compare that to the pain of regret. How'd that feel?

What feels like it'd be harder to deal with?

The pain of discipline, which you can plan and hire accountability for?

Or the pain of regret? Ya know, not even trying and always wondering what could have been? Well damn. That’s harsh. Don’t ya think?

If this triggered a pain point in your fitness or health, hit reply HERE and let me know.

[Realistically, anywhere you see I can help... I'm willing to chat]

If this triggered a pain point elsewhere, go seek out the answers wherever they reside.

I promise the pain of regret is much worse than the pain of discipline because discipline is built and becomes easier over time through consistency.

But if regret is built up, that becomes more difficult to deal with overtime.

I’m here with any questions or concerns always.


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